
Search results

  1. Preparing for Project Pride Day


  2. Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer

    Ohio, and data from several other States show that only one out of three to four applicators are ...

  3. Brandon Parks '13 Wins Design Competition

    competition conducted by A. I. Root Company in Medina, Ohio. The project which, sought to bring their history ... A. I. Root Company. His idea was to develop a competition among Ohio’s landscape programs to design ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-04

    error with existing high N prices). Ohio State University research completed in 2003 revealed that loss ... N sources used in the study (ammonium sulfate, urea or 28%). Under Ohio conditions, wheat plants use very ... greenup) is still early spring. In a three-year study at Ohio State University, yield did not drop off from ...

  5. Wheat Crop Update: The Crop May be Further Along Than You Think

    crop to be behind what is considered to be normal in Ohio at this time of year. The current growth ...

  6. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    and local activities. Dr. Bobby Moser is the honorary chair of the Ohio Centennial celebration, and an ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- February 25, 2013

    partnerships between OSU Extension and other departments at Ohio State. These grants have provided seed dollars ... for a number of well-established programs throughout Ohio and give great opportunity for many of our ... Ongoing eLearning Professional Development Grant: The Ohio State Online eLearning Professional Development ...

  8. Why it doesn’t really matter whether Acuron is 2.637% better than Lexar on giant ragweed

    of the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois” contains information on all but a few of ...

  9. Practicum and Internships

    Practicum is conducted at Ohio State ATI laboratories without pay. Internship is work experience for pay ...

  10. Wyandot Agronomy Day- Upper Sandusky

