
Search results

  1. Pumpkin Field Night- South Charleston, Ohio

    Beginning and experienced growers will benefit from attending the pumpkin field night for research updates regarding cover crops, pest management, and new pumpking and winter squash varieities. ...

  2. Manure Science Review- Forest, Ohio

    Join us for the Manure Science Review on July 25 in Hardin County. This year's topics include: waterhemp and other weed seeds in manure, avoiding manure spills, manure application: rules and liability, reducing phosphorus runoff, regulations update, ...

  3. CD Weekly Wire- April 22, 2013

    Non-credit Workshops at Ohio State’s Stone Lab begin July 14: Stone Lab’s non-credit workshops are your ... be at Ohio State’s Columbus campus on May 15-16. I’ll send you a quick Doodle poll to communicate ... applications directly to NACDEP. To recognize contributions within Ohio we review submissions and select ...

  4. Seeding Recommendations Following Pipeline Construction

    a link to an Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet that will assist in answering these questions.  ...

  5. Our Areas of Emphasis

    Ohio State University Extension Community Development aligns its educational and applied research ...

  6. NEWS: Ohio State ATI student awarded scholarship from Fluid Power Educational Foundation

    Ohio a $2,000 scholarship. Siefker’s scholarship was underwritten by IMI-Precision Engineering-Norgren. ... Siefker is double-majoring in power equipment and hydraulics at Ohio State ATI. “A minimum GPA, an essay, ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-06

    Planting Cold Extended Weather Forecast Ohio No-Till Field Day Now is the Time to Fine Tune Your Sprayer ... records. Ohio No-Till Field Day Alan Sundermeier The Spring Ohio No-Till Field Day will be held on April ... I participated in Ohio, and data from several other States show that only one out of three to four applicators ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-08

    Spring Insect Pest Problems Soybean Aphid Prediction for Ohio Update on Bees and the Neonicitinoid Seed ... Prediction for Ohio Ron Hammond, Andy Michel We had reported the lack of eggs at most buckthorn sites last ... maybe from a lack of males.  Based on these observations and past history, we predict that Ohio, and ...

  9. Office Closed

    December 7th as all staff will be attending the OSU Extension Annual Conference in Columbus, Ohio. We ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-36

    conditions resulting from recent rains, more that 50% of Ohio's corn is still out in the field waiting ... days after silking. The fungus enters the ear tips through the silk channel. Optimum temperatures for ... development in storage. For long-term storage, dry grain to 13-14% moisture. 4. Store dried grain at cool ...
