
Search results

  1. Reminders about dicamba training

    company has to be attended regardless of which product an applicator is using. Ohio is accepting training ... – Indiana and Kentucky are not accepting training attended here in Ohio. More information can also be found ... ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-02

    generally most severe when rain and wet weather is prevalent during the 7 to 10 days after silking and ... a normal year. In Ohio, identifying hybrids with good disease resistance is a key step in hybrid selection. ... like we did this year. However, no such tool is available for corn ear rots. Q14. How far can ...

  3. Pollination Underway in April Planted Corn

    a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by ... appear last. Under good conditions, all silks will emerge and be ready for pollination within 3 to 5 days ...

  4. Jenny Dirksen recognized for work in Latino community

    the coordinator of the ESL program at the Immigrant Worker Project. The Ohio House Representatives recently ...

  5. Citation Help

    isn't a publisher or site sponsor use N.p.), 2013 (date of publication: day, month, year as available). ... Aug. September Sept. October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.   ...

  6. Committees

    supporting the 4-H Beef, Dairy Beef, Swine, Sheep, Poultry, or the Goat Program may serve on the committee. ... volunteer leadership for the 4-H rabbit projects including Rabbit Tattoo Day, Rabbit Clinic, 4-H & ...

  7. Ohio State ATI welcomes five new faculty

    the Ohio University Lancaster Campus over the past six years. He recently served as a board member of ... conducted research as a post-doctoral associate at the OARDC Wooster campus for four years focusing on waste ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-14

    the yellow or purple appearance should change to a healthy green after a few sunny days with ... levels during the day, and wet field conditions, you are likely to start seeing purple plants in some ... drainage and soil crusting have reduced stands in some Ohio corn fields. In affected fields, the remaining ...

  9. Wheel Traffic Effect on Alfalfa Yield – Soil Compaction or Crown/Shoot Damage?

    4 to 6% per day after mowing (e.g. traffic 5 days after mowing creates a yield loss of about 22%) ... 1 to 2 days after cutting causes less yield loss than making hay at 3 to 5 days after cutting. 4.       ...

  10. AIFD Student Design Competition Results

        2018 SAIFD Design Competition A post shared by Ohio State ATI (@ohiostateati) on Jul 11, 2018 at 6:47am ...
