
Search results

  1. Twi-light Field Crops Program

    throughout the midwest and has seen the good, the bad and the ugly of corn and soybeans from Ohio to Iowa. ...

  2. Scout Fields Now for Palmer Amaranth

    The frequency of Palmer amaranth infestations in Ohio has been holding relatively steady again ... before viable seed are produced.  The number one recommendation for managing Palmer amaranth in Ohio is ...

  3. Fungicide Applications Depend on Soybean Growth Stages and Presence of Disease

    applications on soybean in Ohio.  There are several factors that I have found in the past that can influence ... spot.  Sclerotinia is not in every field in Ohio; we are targeting historic fields that were planted with ...

  4. 2015 Soil Fertility On-Farm Projects

    The Ohio State Soil Fertility Lab will be starting a number of projects this year that will only ...

  5. Senate Bill 1

    Ohio’s legislature passed a bill intended to control algae production in Lake Erie and its western ... certification under Ohio’s new fertilizer applicator certification program.  The provision pertains only if ...

  6. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    While a variety of rainfall and soil moisture conditions can be found around Ohio, a shortage of ... herbicide description section of the “Weed Control Guide for Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois”.- Most premixes or ... herbicides on our Youtube site (search for “Ohio State University weed science”), or at this link: ...

  7. Ohio Certified Volunteeer Naturalists (OCVN) Program- Owls

    Owls Join us to learn about these amazing animals! You’ll get an up close look at mounted owls and learn their calls. Two local experts will join us to explore the world of owls. Jeff Harvey, Audubon Society Jim Kerr, Beaver Creek Wildlife Education Cente ...

  8. Soil Sampling in the Spring vs. Fall

    to be lowest in the fall. To see how this compared with Ohio soils, we conducted a small study to ...

  9. Farmer Cooperators Needed to Document Effects of Pipeline Installation on Soil

    and how long it may persist is largely unknown. Ohio State Extension will be starting a pilot study to ...

  10. Harvest Delays Impact Corn Performance

    According to the USDA/NASS (  ) as of Sunday, Oct. 19, 23% of Ohio ... was conducted at three locations in NW, NE, and SW Ohio over a three year period for a total of eight ...
