
Search results

  1. Nature Workshop

    Projects Included: (611) Explore the Outdoors, (620) Why Trees Matter, (621) Ohio Birds, (644) ...

  2. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    of a group.  That brought back memories of being that shy kid in class and hoping each day that the ... County, Ohio, in 1902, which is considered the birth of 4-H in the United States.  The first club was ... at least age 8 and enrolled in 3 rd grade as of January 1 of the current year.  Ohio 4-H membership ...

  3. Ohio Ice Wine is Hot- Share it with your Valentine

    Born of Ohio’s cold winters, a boon from being below freezing, Buckeye State ice wine is hot with ... nothing,” said Todd Steiner, who leads Ohio State University’s enology program, the science of wine-making, ...

  4. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop ~ A practical Approach

    pests in Ohio. Location:  The Ohio State University, South Centers, Piketon Pre-registration required by ...

  5. Welcome to our New Website!

    Welcome to the Buckeye Appellation, the Ohio State University grape and wine research and ... production in Ohio, please visit the "Grape Growing" and "Wine Making" pages.  To keep ... abreast of the current situation in Ohio vineyards, learn about research updates from the OSU team, or ...

  6. Ohio wine grape losses hit hardest in Northeast Ohio, but still plenty to drink.

    "Ohio grape growers – the spark of our fast-growing, $500 million wine-tourism industry-- are ... Ohio wineries, but don't forget to recognize your local winemaker between sips. Those folks ...

  7. Environmental Professionals Network breakfast program

    “Electric Utilities, Farmers, Agencies, Others in the Ohio River Basin Establish World’s Largest ...

  8. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Training, Reynoldsburg

    (Category 12) as required under the new Ohio regulation. Pre-registration: $90 w/ lunch at Register Now. ...

  9. At the corner of eating and healthy: Ohio State center targets functional foods

    Ohio State’s Center for Advanced Functional Foods Research and Entrepreneurship, or CAFFRE, ... across campus, including the College of Medicine and The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer ... Crops to the Clinic to the Consumer,” is made possible by Ohio State’s breadth of expertise, said  ...

  10. Southwest Ohio BYGLive! Diagnostic Walk-About, Woodlawn

    Southwest Ohio BYGLive! Diagnostic Walk-About  is  a monthly "hands-on" training event ...
