
Search results

  1. Dodder (Cuscuta spp.) in Western Ohio Red Clover Stands

    We have had reports of dodder in some red clover fields.  Dodder is a parasitic plant without any leaves or chlorophyll to produce its own energy.  It lives by attaching to a host with small appendages (called ‘haustoria”), and extracting the host plant’s ...

  2. How Much Fall-Applied Manure Nitrogen will be Available for the 2016 Crop?

    Most parts of Ohio have had an excellent fall and early winter time period for manure application. ... The November and December rainfall data for the Ohio Research and Development Center (OARDC) branch at ...

  3. Another example of 4-H and its impact on the success of Ohio youth!

    between Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the Five Rivers MetroPark in Dayton, was more than a summer ...

  4. 4-H Volunteer Conference

    4-H Volunteers from across the State of Ohio. The objective of this event is to learn together and ... from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohio 4-H Program to its members. The ...

  5. PetPALS Preparing Youth

    throughout a day or evening. Also, keep in mind that to accomplish everything, one role-playing meeting may ...

  6. Time to Evaluate Soybean Stands

    from the Ohio Soybean Council, we conducted a seeding rate study at three locations.  (At all three ...

  7. Asiatic Garden Beetles Continue to be an Issue in NW Ohio

    Northwest Ohio corn fields since 2012.  For a long time this grub has been a pest in the lawn and turf ... corn often appears wilted and stressed (see picture). In Ohio, damage appears to be most prevalent in ... sandier soils, which are concentrated in NW Ohio, but can also be found in isolated areas near sandy river ...

  8. Considerations Before Interseeding Soybeans into Wheat this Spring

    soybeans yielded better than double cropping of soybeans north of I-70 in Indiana. 2014 Ohio research ... showed a 10 to 25 bushel advantage to MRI over double cropping at OARDC Western and Bucyrus, Ohio ... Central Ohio, MRI wheat has averaged 74 bushels per acre and soybeans 31 bushels per acre. Wheat that was ...

  9. Ohio 4-H CARTEENS Conference- OH ST Highway Patrol Training Facility- Cols

      Your Ohio 4-H State CARTEENS committee is hosting its biennial state CARTEENS conference at the ... Ohio State Highway Patrol Training Facility on 17 th  Avenue in Columbus (directly across from the Ohio ... update on the state evaluation instrument, tour the Ohio State Highway Patrol training facility, and ...

  10. Marvin Olinsky: National 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee

    Aware and is an inductee into Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame.  The induction ceremony will be held this fall at ...
