
Search results

  1. Maumee State Scenic River

    Maumee River Paulding, Defiance, Henry, Wood, Lucas Christina Kuchle Northwest Ohio Scenic River ... 04100005, 04100009 Ohio pioneered the river preservation movement in 1968 with the passage of the ... nation's first scenic rivers act. This legislation created a state program to protect Ohio's remaining ...

  2. Did that Cold Spell Cause Significant Mortality to Field Crop Insect Pests?

    Normally we have always said that Ohio seldom gets cold enough to be a factor in causing ... potential to change this, at least for those pests that overwinter in Ohio.  A good example of what can ... the summer in these thoughts.   These pests migrate into Ohio during the growing season, and what ...

  3. Northern Ohio Crops Day


  4. Give Now

    Extension fulfills the land-grant mission of Ohio State by interpreting knowledge and research developed by ... the university, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and other land-grant ... the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, call (614) 292-0473. Ohio State ...

  5. Scout for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs

    the northwest and northeast Ohio, and this year we concentrated our trapping efforts in these areas.  ... threshold in the 8 years it has been found in Ohio, so the likelihood of economic populations is low.  For ...

  6. Evaluating Soybean Stand

    Soybean planting is well underway throughout Ohio.  The USDA National Agricultural Statistics ... soybean stand may look a little uneven especially in areas of Ohio that are dry.  If there are gaps where ...

  7. The Clean Water Act, Wetlands & Stream Alteration: An Introduction

    the Act's 404 program and Ohio's related programs are provided at the end of the webinar. ...

  8. Little Miami Conservancy

    has been restored to full attainment of Ohio EPA Exceptional Warmwater Habitat conditions, additional ...

  9. Insect Concerns for Late Planting

    rearing their ugly heads again in northwest Ohio (see scouting video at: ... Unfortunately, control is difficult with this pests—the good news is that we have historically ...

  10. Communiqué December 23, 2011

    are as follows: Manure Management (ANR): Glen Arnold Agronomic Crops (ANR): Greg LaBarge Dairy ... Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center 2201 Fred Taylor Dr, Columbus OH 43210 614-247-7606 ... the Marriott, Cincinnati Airport. The event will be hosted by the Ohio State University, Purdue ...
