
Search results

  1. What Every Job Candidate Needs to Know

    learning more about the remediation projects your company is working on in the Central Ohio area.  The more ...

  2. Graduate Exit Seminar

    including community attachment, community satisfaction, and local social ties. Using data from the 2012 Ohio ...

  3. Ohio State to host 2014 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course

    FST Professor Bala Balasubramaniam and colleagues will be hosting the 2014 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop and Short Course at OSU between October 21-23, 2014.   The International Nonthermal workshop, held annually for the past 12 years, typi ...

  4. First Earth Care Day at the Gwynne Conservation Area

    This year on Monday, April 20th from 9:00 a.m. to noon, we have a volunteer opportunity available as we strive to improve the Gwynne Conservation Area. We are looking for volunteers to help with one of three objectives. If you or someone you know would li ...

  5. TWEL Andrea Lindsay Thesis

    Lake Erie at the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge, Ottawa County, Ohio from late April through June of ...

  6. Cloverbud Day Camp!


  7. OSU Advisor Appreciation Week

    Ohio State, ACADAOS and the Office of Undergraduate Education present our second annual Advisor ...

  8. Companion Animal Judging at Ohio State Fair


  9. FINAL Check Day

    Advisors can turn in stamped Thank You notes and pick up their club sale checks. This is the FINAL opportunity to collect their checks from the livestock auction!! ...

  10. Full Professors

    William F. Hahnert  1968-1972 Ohio Biological Survey George Hall* 1965-1995 Soil Science Randall B. ...
