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  1. Safety and Health Topics for your Winter Programs

    schedule.   Ohio AgrAbility Would Like to Conduct an Educational Program in your Area To help prevent back ... injuries for farmers and gardeners, Ohio AgrAbility will be presenting “Oh My Aching Back” presentations ... Program include: “AgrAbility and Universal Design: How we can help Ohio farmers” Table Top display: The ...

  2. Preparedness Is Having a Plan

    spring in Ohio and being prepared is a means for preventing the worst outcome. Take a look at the loss of ...

  3. Northeast Ohio Agronomy School

    Weed control, dicamba tolerant soybeans, soil compaction, and precision planting. ...

  4. Tips for Harvesting Lodged Corn

    had been standing well, collapsed in the course of a few days. In these extreme situations, growers ...

  5. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--The Ag Law Harvest

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  6. Wet Weather and Evaluating Soybean Stand

    Ohio, this means if soybean seeds were further along in the germination process when flooding occurred, ...

  7. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What is the Fit for Ohio?

    losses from drought events. If Ohio corn yields had been reduced 10% in 2013 due to drought, then the ... economic loss for growers would have exceeded $250 million. Ohio producers have begun using ... Ohio than in the Western Corn Belt, the management practices that maximize grain yield and minimize ...

  8. Northeast Ohio Winter Grape School

    Registration ...

  9. What’s the Right N Rate for Corn in Ohio?

    Ohio with about 160 lbs N/A, no matter what the yield. In some years and in some situations we can grow ... economical nitrogen rate. Ohio has worked with a regional group of universities on a Maximum Return To ... We choose Ohio as the location, soybean as previous crop, $0.50 for a pound of N and $3.57 as the ...

  10. Webinar Focuses on Funding Long-Term Care for Farm Families

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The rising costs of nursing home care may impact farm families harder than others ... at The Ohio State University. In the past farmers worried about minimize federal and state estate ... farm assets can be transferred to the next generation, said Peggy Hall, Ohio State University ...
