
Search results

  1. 'We are continuing to look for best management practices' to improve water quality

    team also includes scientists from OARDC. Phosphorus fertilizer is essential to Ohio crop production ... and feeding everyone's family. Ohio State will play a big role in helping farmers do ... both."—John C. "Jack" Fisher, executive vice president, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation Algal blooms ...

  2. Australia (Oceania)

    Interactions December 2013 This program shows students how people use animals every day.  Sustaining Human ...

  3. Home again: CFAES welcomes Bruce A. McPheron

    innovation' McPheron, an Ohio State alumnus and former county Extension educator, was welcomed by Ohio State ... President E. Gordon Gee. "He brings a global view and worldwide experience back to Ohio to lead one of ... Ohio State's most important educational programs," Gee said. "I am delighted that we ...

  4. 2012 Education to Environment Student Symposium

    The School of Environment & Natural Resources at The Ohio State University invites you to join ... and solutions. The event takes place in the Ohio Union Second Floor Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom ...

  5. Heather Pariso '10 films "Garden Gurl" episodes at Ohio State ATI

    taping. The exposure to the public about Ohio State ATI through these TV shows will be wonderful," ... view the two episodes taped at Ohio State ATI, follow these links: Go Bucks Part 1 Go Bucks Part 2 ...

  6. Farmhouse Fraternity Philanthropy Dodgeball Tournament

    Ohio State student clubs and organizations will donate money toward our fraternity's campaign ... enter a team into the dodgeball tournament   Attendees: All student clubs and organizations at Ohio ...

  7. Annie’s Project Retreat for Women in Agriculture- Western Ohio

    Who is Annie? Annie grew up in a small farm community with a goal to marry a farmer, and she did. Annie spent her life learning how to be an involved business partner with her farm husband. Annie’s Project was designed by her daughter to provide risk mana ...

  8. New Pricing for OSU Extension Publications

    the highest price, intended for direct customers from out-of-state or Ohio customers who want direct ... delivery. Discounts apply as follows: Out-of-state residents or Ohio residents purchasing directly through ... a $15 publication as an example): $15 (no discount). Ohio residents purchasing through county office: ...

  9. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and ... opportunities for agricultural research and education in Ohio. This presentation will explore how partnerships ... at which new collaborations between faculty and students at The Ohio State and Central State ...

  10. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and ... opportunities for agricultural research and education in Ohio. This presentation will explore how partnerships ... at which new collaborations between faculty and students at The Ohio State and Central State ...
