
Search results

  1. 5 Great Wine Destinations in the U.S. (That aren't Napa Valley)

    York, Washington, Oregon and Florida, plus Midwestern states like Ohio, Missouri and Illinois are either ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-04

    application, we run the risk of losing most of the N (a costly error with existing high N prices). Ohio State ... Dick, Randall Reeder, Alan Sundermeier, Peter Thomison, Robert Mullen Studies in Ohio and other Corn ... documented in long-term OSU-OARDC studies conducted on poorly drained Hoytville silty clay soils in NW Ohio ...

  3. Profitable Soybean Cultural Practices, Bulletin 918

    for Ohio soybean production. Suggestions on topics such as growth and development, crop rotation, ...

  4. Field Bindweed

    bindweed commonly occurs in two-thirds of the counties in Ohio. It is a weed of cultivated areas including ...

  5. Technology Use in Agriculture Survey

    in agriculture.  Ohio State’s Technology Commercialization Office will use this information to help ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-34

    October 6, 2008- October 14, 2008 Curtis E. Young In This Issue: Volunteer Corn Issues: Planning ... Ohio's production fields. Light infestations of SCN in fields will have no above ground symptoms, which ... Mail samples to: C. Wayne Ellett Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Room 110, Kottman Hall, 2021 ...

  7. Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938

    Improving Wheat Profits in Ohio, Bulletin 938.  This bulletin provides an up-to-date description ...

  8. 2015 Master Gardener Volunteer Training

    who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents ... through their local Ohio State University Extension county office. Click here for a flyer with more ...

  9. So there is lots to talk about in the weather

    After a record warm December, colder weather returned to Ohio and surrounding areas for January ... should know more about this in the next 2-4 week.  You can keep up on all of this at the NOAA/NWS/Ohio ...

  10. Acceleron® Challenge – I lost

    mefenoxam for soybean seed that is planted in Ohio’s  Phytophthora sojae country.  We have a lot of data ... moment.  1.       We have increasing number of fields in Ohio that have populations of another oomycete, ... pressure from  Phytophthora sojae.  The Acceleron package that was marketed in Ohio during 2014, the base ...
