
Search results

  1. Event Recap: Human Capital Spillovers in Dutch Cities: Consumption or Productivity?

    who focused on the study of graduate mobility while completing his Ph.D. and was at Ohio State to ...

  2. Ohio Produce Growers and Marketers Association (OPGMA) Congress

    Check out OPGMA's educational sessions here!  ...

  3. Total Coliform Bacteria (Counts)

    properly constructed private water wells. In Ohio continuous disinfection is not permitted to be installed ... bacteria, or E. coli should be properly sealed. WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Private Water ...

  4. Friends of the Hocking River (FOHR)

    Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, Logan Hocking Library, Logan Ohio, unless otherwise announced. 05030204 ...

  5. Nitrite (as N)

    (Strong base anion exchanger) WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Private Water Systems Program- ...

  6. Part 1: Urban Aquaponics & Aquaculture: "Grow your Own" FREE WORKSHOP SERIES

    Ohio 43201   RSVP: leave a message with your name, contact info, and the workshop of choice at ...

  7. Dr. Douglas Wrenn – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    and Development Economics (AEDE) at Ohio State, and which he currently focuses on in his research as ... Committee, Dr. Wrenn completed a master’s degree in economics at Ohio State. During his time at AEDE, Dr. ... projects that they’ve worked on together. He credits Ohio State for enabling him to find a great match for ...

  8. Katie Farrin – AEDE Job Market Candidate

    diverse path brought her to the door of Ohio State’s Department of Agricultural, Environmental and ... Development Economics (AEDE) PhD program of study. Farrin, who is from Ohio, completed her undergraduate ... field of international development economics. Farrin was drawn to Ohio State’s MS degree program due to ...

  9. Bromide

    of bromide WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Private Water Systems Program- Water Quality- ...

  10. OSU Extension Factsheets

    at the watershed level to lessen the impact of human activities on Ohio's rivers, lakes, ...
