
Search results

  1. Community Leadership Visit Day

    Location: Agricultural Administration Building Contact: Emily Wickham, ...

  2. Bromide

    of bromide WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- Private Water Systems Program- Water Quality- ...

  3. OSU Extension Factsheets

    at the watershed level to lessen the impact of human activities on Ohio's rivers, lakes, ...

  4. Turbidity

    Drinking Water Contaminants- Basic Information about Pathogens and Indicators in Drinking Water Ohio ...

  5. Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

    others. 290-830 higher range values in northwestern Ohio bedrock aquifers Erosion of earth materials ... option, but is not as effective for treating concentrations lower than 3,000 mg/L. WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio ...

  6. AEDE Scholarship Day

    Attendees:  Department Scholarship Donors; Student Scholarship Finalists (will be notified); and Faculty from AEDE assisting with scholarship selection Contact: Gina Hnytka ( Location:  Fawcett Center, Hancock Room Date/Time: Tuesday, Apr ...

  7. Teaching and Learning

    target Ohio’s underrepresented, non-college-access populations to keep them in school through graduation; ... that address issues of critical importance in the state of Ohio, US, and beyond.  Goals Improve ... support graduate students who are interested in initiatives related to Ohio’s underrepresented ...

  8. Funding Opportunities through Academic Departments

    resources. Competition is limited to students whose advisors are affiliates of the Ohio Center for Wetland ... year to be eligible to apply. The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) Offers ... (2) have completed 98 credit hours; and (3) have at least a 2.5 CPR are eligible to apply. The Ohio ...

  9. Expanded Ohio State, CFAES brand guidelines now available

    Communications and Technology has expanded online information about the new university and college brand guidelines, and has consolidated it into a website at This website includes templates and logos, along with information a ...

  10. Thallium

    below 0.002 mg/L or 2 ppb: activated alumina ion exchange WEBSITE RESOURCES Ohio Department of Health- ...
