
Search results

  1. Feeder Calf Weigh-In

    Feeder Calf Weigh in from 8 a.m. to noon on June 13. ...

  2. QA Training at Caldwell High School 6:30 p.m.

    QA Training at Caldwell High School at 6:30 p.m. on June 1. ...

  3. QA Training at Caldwell High School 6:30 p.m.

    QA Training at Caldwell High School at 6:30 on May 12, 2015 ...

  4. Officer Training Caldwell Elementary

    Officer Training at Caldwell Elementary at 7:00 p.m. on April 23rd. ...

  5. Market Turkey Orders Due

    Market Turkey Orders are due to Washington County on April 15. ...

  6. Helpful Links

    Useful to Usable An online tool enabling farmers and agricultural advisers to better assess how climate patterns in other parts of the world can influence local conditions and corn yields across the Corn Belt.           ...

  7. Rain Barrel Workshop

    Rain Barrel Workshop @ OSU Extension, Noble County on June 20 from 9-11 am. Cost is $40. ...

  8. NSCW Intermediate Goals

    Intermediate Goals (1-2 years) of the Signature Program: Conduct cooperative on farm and field trials for BMP of application method, timing and nutrient rates. Adoption of soil testing and utilization of Tri-state fertilizer recommendations for agronomic ...

  9. NSCW Integral Parts

    Nutrient Stewardship for Cleaner Water has five integral parts: Verification and development of best management practices for application and timing to limit soluble nutrient loss Verification/adjustment of the Tri-state Fertility Guide rates for crop pro ...

  10. Conservation Protection Options Meeting

    April 22 Conservation Protection Options Meeting 7pm Mid East Career Center An opportunity for property owners to learn about land-protection options available via conservation and/or agricultural easements.  For more information contact FB Organization D ...
