
Search results

  1. Smith-Lever Act Centennial Celebration

    and local activities. Dr. Bobby Moser is the honorary chair of the Ohio Centennial celebration, and an ...

  2. OARDC Small Grain Field Day

    Topics will include: Wheat disease management Wheat breeding: research and varieties Wheat quality characteristics Opportunities and possibilities for malting barley Small grain cropping systems Small grains as cover crop and forage options Registration c ...

  3. Pumpkin Field Day


  4. Ohio Sheep Day

    Program topics include: approved pasture renovation practices approved hay crop establishment practices approved EQIP practices for sheep farms basic sheep management practices lambing barn arrangements proper selection of sheep equipment calibrating manu ...

  5. McSpadden Gardener Lab- People

    guidance of Dr. David Weller. He joined the faculty at The Ohio State University in 2001 where he currently ... Graduate Studies Program at The Ohio State University. In Dr. McSpadden Gardener's lab, her research ...

  6. Fruit Pathology Michael A. Ellis ...

  7. Section II: Externally Funded Projects (Grants and Contracts)

    whether a project, if funded, will be administered by the OSU Extension Business Office or by the Ohio ... SUBMISSION   The submitting party is The Ohio State University Research Foundation on behalf of OSU ... Extension, XXX County/Office. The submitting party is Ohio State University Extension, XXX County/Unit. WHO ...

  8. Fertility Agronomy Day

    For details and to register, review the event flier. ...

  9. Impact Stories

    $30 billion.  In Ohio forests, oaks comprise 10 billion board feet, or 25% of the total tree volume; ... be susceptible to P. ramorum. Sudden Oak Death also has the potential to impact Ohio’s ornamental ...

  10. First day of Spring semester classes

