
Search results

  1. Geauga County GAPs Class and Water Workshop, BURTON

    Join The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team to learn about on-farm produce ...

  2. Experts meet at OARDC to discuss challenges, growth of U.S. bioeconomy

    three dozen U.S. land-grant universities, including Ohio State, held an Aug. 11 symposium called ...

  3. February is Million Hearts Month

    Join Ohio State all throughout February in supporting heart health by attending one of many ...

  4. Cakes & chemistry: the science of baking

    professor at Ohio State University. “There’s a science to it, too.” To read more: ...

  5. Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference


  6. Food Science Grad Student Advises U.S. Policy-Makers on Global Food Security

    Rita Mirondo, a doctoral student in Ohio State's Department of Food Science and Technology, ...

  7. Deadly pig virus is now in Ohio: Key is strict biosecurity

    the disease, 29 states, including Ohio, had confirmed cases of PEDv as of May 7, according to the ...

  8. 8 ways a city’s vacant lots can be good for the environment

    science curriculum for use by teachers in Cleveland and elsewhere in Ohio. A related program involves ...

  9. Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie

    Most farmers in northwest Ohio’s Maumee River watershed, Lake Erie’s largest tributary, are ...

  10. New Animal Disease Traceability Rule Announced by USDA

    Ms. Peggy Hall, Agriculture and Resource Law Specialist, The Ohio State University Extension ...
