
Search results

  1. Meet Our Team Members: Jerry Iles

    Jerry Iles-Extension Educator Fairfield County Jerry has been a member of the OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team since 2014.  Jerry focuses on local foods and serves produce growers in Farifield County that sell directly to the public via farmers markets ...

  2. Safe Driving During Harvest Season

    begin to appear on Ohio roads, roadway safety becomes a focus for all who share the road with farm ...

  3. Farm Safety Day Camps

    Farm safety day camps provide youth an opportunity to learn about agricultural hazards and injury ... a state program that educates youth about farm dangers. To date, approximately 18,100 Ohio youth have ...

  4. GAPs Training-West Salem, Wayne County, Ohio

    An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs, which helps reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being GAPs certified.This is a training for both the Plain community and t ...

  5. Helping Family Farm Markets Promote Good Safety Images

    worked in an agricultural labor organization, outside of Ohio. He told of his experience at a local ... amongst Ohio farm market consumers who wanted to buy healthy produce to feed their own families. After our ... Ohio small farmers to think about the image they portray when they show a general disregard for safety? ...

  6. Hardin County YMCA & the Ohio Dept. of Wildlife Family Fishing Day


  7. Ohio’s Changing Climate and Implications for Agriculture Champaign County Ag Association Speaker Series


  8. Preventing Slips and Falls During Icy Conditions

    involving ice, sleet or snow that required at least one day away from work to recuperate. This does not ...

  9. Safe Driving Through Work Zones

    home safely after each day’s work.   9. Just because you don’t see the workers immediately after you ...

  10. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Athens County

    DEADLINE IS MONDAY, April 3, 2017 Registration Fee: $20 Per Person. Make checks payable to The Ohio State ... W. Union St., Athens, Ohio45701), by phone at 740-593-8555 or email to (bring ...
