
Search results

  1. Add Safety to your Program!

    to those outreach efforts like a Farm Safety Day Camp, Ag Awareness, Farmers Breakfast, FFA events, ...

  2. *RESCHEDULED- Market Beef Steer, Market Beef Heifer & Market Dairy Steer Tagging

    Rescheduled from December 17, 2016.   For full details, please consult the letter. Cattlemen's Certificate   ...

  3. 2018 Ohio Produce Network

    To register for this event please go to the OPGMA website. ...

  4. Flooding and the Aftermath

    the common thread of our mid-summer month in Ohio. Rain, often desired by farmers in the weather ...

  5. GAPs Training-London OH

    An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or ‘GAPs’, which help reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination.  The instructor for this training will be Mary Griffith, OSU ANR Extension Educator, OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team ...

  6. Cloverbud Fun Day, Please RSVP


  7. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Washington County

    participants. Make checks payable to The Ohio State University. Registration can be done via the following ...

  8. Events to Attend

    We are continually adding events. If none are posted, please check back in a couple of days. ...

  9. Looking for Farmers to Participate in Grain Dust Study

    Ohio farmers are being asked to participate in a study about their dust exposure while working of ... will help identify safety and health practices used on Ohio farms to help solve (or at least reduce) ... for corn, soybeans, and wheat. All Ohio farmers who own, manage, or use on-farm grain bin structures ...

  10. FDA Listening Session: Answers to Stakeholder Concerns

    minimum time interval between application and harvest is zero days.  The FDA indicated that if the ... the minimum application interval would be zero days.  The minimum time interval for untreated manure ...
