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- preparedness ohio dairy day september 14 wooster
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1021 West Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, Ohio or on the website: ...
Meet Our Team Members: Jerry Iles
Jerry Iles-Extension Educator Fairfield County Jerry has been a member of the OSU Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team since 2014. Jerry focuses on local foods and serves produce growers in Farifield County that sell directly to the public via farmers markets ...
There's Music in the Air
Kenton. “There’s Music in the Air” is the theme of the day. All interested persons are welcomed to ...
Ohio Rabbit and Cavy Clinic
The clinic will also include the mandatory Quality Assurance session. Ohio Rabbit and Cavy Clinic ... Flyer Ohio Rabbit and Cavy Clinic Program ...
Grain C.A.R.T. Scheduling
families tied to agriculture in Ohio. The Grain C.A.R.T. (Comprehensive Agricultural Rescue Trailer) was ...
Safe Driving During Harvest Season
begin to appear on Ohio roads, roadway safety becomes a focus for all who share the road with farm ...
GAPs Training-West Salem, Wayne County, Ohio
An educational course that covers good agricultural practices or GAPs, which helps reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Attending the OSU GAPs class does not equate to being GAPs certified.This is a training for both the Plain community and t ...
Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day
8 AM- Breakfast and Visitor Exhibits 9 AM- Welcome and Logistics 9:10 AM- Nutrient Placement Conversation and Demo 11:15 AM- Additional demonstrations 12:00 PM- Lunch – Speakers: Dr. Scott Shearer, OSU and Tom Menke, Menke Consulting, Inc. 12:55 PM- Evalu ...
Ohio’s Changing Climate and Implications for Agriculture Champaign County Ag Association Speaker Series
our Ohio ATV Program, as well introduce new activities to encourage and engage youth to practice ... their riding skills, and encourage personal responsibility. In 2011, Ohio published a new 4-H ATV ... plan to teach 500 students about ATV safety through school assemblies, day camp sessions, and Rider ...