
Search results

  1. Mandy Wood

    University and Ohio University. Mandy has a BS from Ohio University in Integrated Marketing and ...

  2. NIFA Invests $1.29M in Animal Nutrition and Growth Reseach at Ohio State

    at The Ohio State University.  AFRI promotes innovative work in cellular, molecular, genomic and ...

  3. Outstanding Exhibitor

    Due By 4:30 pm September 1st- submit any requests for bonus points online November 14th- Outstanding ... books are still expected to be completed and will be graded at Skillathon Interview Judging* *Ohio State ... for Dairy Exhibitors  Outstanding Exhibitor Awards Program Criteria for Market/Breeding Exhibitors ...

  4. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference hosts 400 students, faculty from several universities

    Fort Wayne, IN-  The 2024 Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference was held on April 15-17, hosting ... leading organizations in the field, experts in the dairy industry, and sponsorship from 61 companies, the ... Sciences at The Ohio State University, leads the Board of Directors for the conference and plays an ...

  5. Ohio State Health & Wellness Resources

    Emergency: Dial 911 University Police: 614-292-2121 Student Advocacy Center: 614-292-1111 Student Judicial Affairs: 614-292-0748 Counseling and Consultation Services: 614-292-5766 OSU Suicide Prevention: 614-221-5445 Campus Advocacy Program for Survivors ...

  6. Beef

    Envelopes are available November 15th- January 14th to be picked up from the Extension Office during normal ... and Beef Feeder Calves Show, 10:30 am in the Coliseum September 10th- Market Dairy Beef Steers and ... Dairy Beef Feeder Calves Show,  5:00 pm in the Coliseum September 12th- Market Beef Auction, following ...

  7. Drought Stress Can Put Weeds Into Overdrive- Tips On Herbicide Use

    day may reduce the risk of injury. Contact herbicides are also more active when applied during hot ... applications that separate these products can help overcome this antagonism. Waiting seven days between ... applications when the broadleaf herbicide is applied first, and about one day when the grass herbicide is ...

  8. Managing Flies & Livestock Health As Summer Warms Up

    flies/animal.  Milk production, for dairy cattle, can be decreased by up to 15%.  Horn flies are blood feeders ... and will consume about 30 meals per day.  They spend the majority of their time on the animal and will ... animal each day.  They consume one blood meal and will spend the rest of their time out of the sun in ...

  9. Grow Kindness

    Depression Blood Pressure Resources How to Grow Succulents Nature RX Ohio State Chadwick Arboretum National ...

  10. Use Tools To Help Prepare For Pest Damage To Fields, Crops

    observation is consistent with our current standing for accumulated Growing Degree Days. The growing degree ... days, or GDD as they are commonly referred to, are a measurement of the growth and development of plants ... vary for different organisms and is determined through research and experimentation. In Ohio, we have ...
