
Search results

  1. 8 ways a city’s vacant lots can be good for the environment

    science curriculum for use by teachers in Cleveland and elsewhere in Ohio. A related program involves ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-32

    information on the extent of spraying for soybean aphids in Ohio and some weed control issues. The results of ... up to 12 months if moisture content of the grain is less than 14%. It may not be effective against ... of you are probably thankful that soybean rust did not occur in Ohio, and glad that the soybean aphid ...

  3. Professor Lal receives honorary degree from Technical University of Dresden

    Professor at The Ohio State University received the honorary degree as Doctor of Natural Sciences honoris ...

  4. Most farmers willing to take steps to protect water, says study done near lake Erie

    Most farmers in northwest Ohio’s Maumee River watershed, Lake Erie’s largest tributary, are ...

  5. Alayna C. Dorobek's Graduate Defense Seminar

    community dynamics. Based on a 3-year field study on the Olentangy and Scioto Rivers (Columbus, Ohio ...

  6. “Tassel Ears” Sightings in Corn

    Tassel Ears” (Figure 1) are showing up in corn fields around Ohio. Corn is the only major field ...

  7. Ohio's Manure Science Review

    Educational program and demonstrations provide the latest information on best practices for manure management. Continuing ed credits available.  2017 MSR Flyer Manure ...

  8. Small Grains Field Day (Wayne)

    Topics:  Wheat Disease ID and Management  Wheat Breeding: Developing Disease Resistant Varieties  Wheat Quality Evaluation         Use of small grain cover crops in Soybean Production  Crimping and planting demonstrations  Winter two-row malting barl ...

  9. Does your field have Western Bean Cutworm larva?

    in Ohio. Corn Insects Corn ...

  10. SENR Professor Directs Collaborative Project Focused on Restoring Fragile Landscapes on the Sahel

    for the first time that includes Ohio State University (lead), University of California at Merced; ...
