
Search results

  1. Fish and Wildlife Society Internship Discussion with Ohio EPA

    Need an internship? The Ohio EPA will be visiting the OSU Fish and Wildlife Society's meeting ...

  2. Software for Developing Nutrient Management Plans Workshop

    MMP 3.                NRCS Ohio Nutrient Management Templates used for programs such as EQUIP. The ...

  3. Corn Replant Considerations

    for the existing stand would be 79% of the optimum. If the corn crop was planted the next day on May ... adapted hybrids switching to early/mid maturities, if necessary, depending on your location in Ohio. You ...

  4. Is It Too Early to Apply N to Wheat?

    or the end of April depending on the location in state. Ohio research has shown no yield benefit from ... somewhere between the two other sources. Ohio research has shown yield losses from N applied prior to ... elongation. Ohio research has shown a yield decrease may occur when N application is delayed until Feekes ...

  5. Keys to Effective Pollinator Partnerships with Schools

    providing quality pollinator habitat. The Research to Practice Webinar Series is offered by the Ohio ...

  6. SUSTAINS Learning Community

    (SUSTAINS) Learning Community at The Ohio State University focuses on helping students explore and engage ... the lives of others. SUSTAINS is located inScott House at 160 W. Woodruff Avenue on the Ohio State ...

  7. Flip It Good: (At Least) 3 Benefits of Pond Aeration

    The Ohio State University. It can keep the pond from stratifying, which can make the water and the ... director in Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, will speak on the topic ... at the annual Farm Science Review trade show in London, Ohio. The event, which is sponsored by the ...

  8. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    in Ohio Jason T. Tucker, MS Advisor: Robert Gates Thesis The Greater sandhill crane (Grus canadensis ... tabida) historically inhabited Ohio until its extirpation from the state in the 1930s due to habitat loss ... systematic study of Ohio’s cranes was conducted during 2002-2004 but seasonal movements, habitat selection, ...

  9. The Scarlet Spring 5K

    The Scarlet Sprint promotes community, health and wellness to all Ohio State students, staff and ...

  10. When vacant lots become urban gardens: Characterizing the perceived and actual food safety concerns of urban agriculture in Ohio

    urban agriculture in Ohio.  Journal of Food Protection  78(11):2070-2080. Nicholas Basta ...
