
Search results

  1. First day of Autumn Semester 2017


  2. Veterans Day observed- no classes, offices closed


  3. Labor Day- no classes, offices closed


  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-35

    Gibberella, Diplodia and anthracnose stalk rots are very common in Ohio and one or more of these diseases can ... potential of this field is high. Standability may not become an issue until Ohio experiences some wetter ... following this newsletter and sampling fields, growers in Ohio were able to save enormous amounts of money ...

  5. Dry Weather Makes Field Fires a Safety Concern for Farmers

    maintenance checks at the end of the day, rather than at the beginning, to detect any hot smoldering areas ...

  6. EPN Breakfast Club

    Health – Protecting People and Planet.' Moderator: Tony Forshey, DVM, State Veterinarian, Ohio Dept. ... sponsored by the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association. Doors open at the ... Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 7:15 a.m. Register at         ...

  7. GAP Training for Tobacco Producers

    times:  March 10 at 4:00 p.m. at the Ohio Valley CTC in West Union; March 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Ohio ...

  8. More on Fall Herbicides with Regard to the Enlist System

    Enlist corn and soybean system, in six states, including Ohio.  The approval came with a number of ... herbicide resistance in Ohio, which have reduced the utility of some herbicide sites of action.  So new weed ... that we expect to have weed populations resistant to these herbicides in Ohio at some point based on ...

  9. Franklin County Master Gardner Booth at Dispatch Fall Home and Garden Show

    The Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteers will have a booth at the Dispatch Fall Home and Garden Show. Stop by and ask your toughest gardening questions! September 11, Friday: 10-9 p.m. September 12, Saturday: 10-6 p.m. September 13, Sunday: 11-5 p.m ...

  10. Career Bootcamp 2016

    and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Through this event, ENRAS and the Coalition of Student Organizations ...
