
Search results

  1. Minimizing pollen contamination of non-GMO Corn

    :// 86% of Ohio’s corn acreage in 2014 was planted to transgenic (GMO) corn. With GMO corn ... traits may contaminate (by cross-pollination) nearby non-GMO corn. Ohio growers of identity preserved ...

  2. Farm Safety Day- Kenton

    Youth Tractor Operation Skills for Certification Course, OSU Extension Grain Safety Cart, and other farm safety demonstrations ...

  3. Corn Leaf Striping

    In addition to widespread yellowing, corn plants in many Ohio fields are expressing varying ...

  4. Should seeding rates be adjusted for delayed corn plantings?

    delayed. If planting is delayed until early June, some Ohio data suggests that certain hybrids are more ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-04

    error with existing high N prices). Ohio State University research completed in 2003 revealed that loss ... N sources used in the study (ammonium sulfate, urea or 28%). Under Ohio conditions, wheat plants use very ... greenup) is still early spring. In a three-year study at Ohio State University, yield did not drop off from ...

  6. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    Survival and habitat use of non-breeding northern bobwhites on private lands in Ohio   Adam K. ... agricultural landscapes in Ohio, I used radio-telemetry to investigate survival and habitat use during the ... non-breeding season (October- March) on 4 private land study sites in southwestern Ohio during 2009-2011. ...

  7. Cressleaf Groundsel in Wheat and Hay

    groundsel.  Historically, no confirmed cases of poisoning by S. glabellus have been reported by the Ohio ...

  8. An Assessment of Infant Eastern Cottontail Rehabilitation Success

    the most common species to be brought to the Ohio Wildlife Center for rehabilitation, representing ...

  9. Backyard Bluebirding Basics & Nest Box Trail Management

    Darlene Sillick and Paula Ziebarth, Ohio Bluebird Society Area Contacts as they discuss how to attract ... practice techniques for trail monitoring and management. Join Darlene Sillick and Paula Ziebarth, Ohio ...

  10. Weather Outlook Remains Unchanged

    this year include the following: (1993/94), 1978/79 and 1962/63.  Based on those years in Ohio, corn ...
