
Search results

  1. Dairy Quality Conference

    Check back for more information. ...

  2. Dr. Osler Ortez Selected for the STARS Cohort

    time... What are you most looking forward to as you join the STARS cohort? With about 2.5 years at Ohio ... do at Ohio State.  How do you anticipate STARS will help you grow as a research leader? I envision ... systems. Develop a Research Action Plan to better inform my upcoming years at Ohio State. An opportunity to ...

  3. Now That Wheat Is Down, What's Next? Some Ideas For Fields

    millet grow rapidly, and can produce about 3.0 tons of dry matter per acre in 60 days.  These crops have ... November.  It is recommended to plant them at a rate of 70 to 90 lbs per acre.  If conditions in October are ... reach them at 419-747-8684. The Wayne-Ashland Dairy Service Unit has set the date and location for this ...

  4. Nicole Wright

    Nicole Wright Extension Educator, Aquaculture, and LEARN Coordinator, Ohio Sea Grant College ...

  5. Frolence Fidelis

    Frolence Fidelis MS (Stockinger) Wooster More info coming soon! Research Focus: ...

  6. Sumer Is The Perfect Season For Homemade Ice Cream

    As many of you know, Wayne County is the number one dairy county in Ohio with more than 31,000 cows, ... Since 1937, June has been celebrated as National Dairy Month by the National Dairy Council to help ... bring attention to the importance of dairy production and the many products that support the industry.  ...

  7. Dr. Ram Yadav

    Extension (330) 263-8063 Gourley Hall (116) Wooster Campus PhD Weed Science- Iowa State ...

  8. Find Your Comfy Spot and Kick Back- It's Good Self Care

    day, it’s where I like to relax and enjoy the outdoors. I either park in a comfortable chair on our ... busyness of the day to relax and enjoy the sights around our farm, bird watch, read a book or engage in ... 24 and ends on National Self-Care Day July 24.  While self-care is often dismissed as a buzzword, ...

  9. Tri-State Industry Conference

    Originally organized and managed entirely by Ohio State University Extension Hamilton County, our committee ...

  10. Joseph Lucente

    Extension Educator, Ohio Sea Grant College Program  Economic Development, Leadership Development One ... Associate Professor and Extension Educator in Community and Economic Development with The Ohio State ... University Extension/Ohio Sea Grant College Program. Located at the Ohio State Extension office in Lucas ...
