
Search results

  1. Planting Scabby Wheat

    Although scab was not widespread in Ohio this year, there were a few pockets with high levels of ...

  2. Yield Monitor Tips for 2015 Harvest

    persistent rain in many areas of Ohio have generated highly variable harvesting conditions for 2015 in both ... and here in Ohio.  At the heart of these data services is the utilization of yield maps to help ...

  3. 2015-14


  4. Safety for Senior Farmers

    when appropriate (ear plugs, safety glasses, gloves, etc..). For more information about the Ohio ...

  5. Farm Science Review Nutrient Management Field Day


  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-07

    yields up to 10 percent. Emergence delays of 10 days or more usually translate to growth stage ... the corn acreage in Ohio may be planted with seed-applied insecticides (e.g.. Poncho and Cruiser). ... Clinics" I participated in in Ohio shows that only one out of three applicators are applying chemicals at ...

  7. Soil Compaction Management at Harvest Time

    fields are very soggy in much of Ohio. The danger of causing soil compaction is therefore high.  Let’s ... compaction. I assume all of you Ohio farmers are aware of the great importance of increasing tire foot print ...

  8. Fall Agritourism Preparedness ...

  9. Calibrate Your Sprayer Now- Here is an Easy Way to do it

    central Ohio today. There seems to be no better time to get the sprayer out of the shed and get it ready ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    12:30 PM, and 1:30 PM. Be sure to also visit the Ohio AgrAbility tent located next to the GRAIN C.A.R.T. ...
