
Search results

  1. Good time to start: Fall farm practices for helping crops and water

    and refined the practices, is sharing details on them with farmers around Ohio. “There are some ... LaBarge, field specialist with OARDC’s outreach partner, Ohio State University Extension  (pictured). “Some ...

  2. Good Agricultural Practices

    and food safety plans for the farm, and promaote high-quality, safe produce from Ohio growers. ...

  3. What's Limiting Soybean Yield?

    No matter what I do, I get the same soybean yield every year.” With funding from the Ohio Soybean ... generating some baseline producer data on current soybean management practices in Ohio’s production systems.  ... We are asking crop producers in Ohio to provide us with yield and other agronomic data specific to ...

  4. CFAES announces new Moser Scholars Program

    CFAES Dean Bobby Moser is retiring after 21 years, the longest run for a dean under Ohio State ... leaving her own mark on the lives of students and Ohioans. On Aug. 24, at an event organized by the  Ohio ... named in their honor," said Ohio Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Jack Fisher. "Even in ...

  5. Armageddon or Not, Now's an Opportune Time to Prepare for Emergency

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- If doomsday-- or, alternatively, winter-- is approaching, you'd better be ... a disaster kit ready, said Kent McGuire, health and safety coordinator for Ohio State University's ... College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and Ohio State University Extension. Read the ...

  6. Weather Update

    early May and it has done so. Overall, May will be warmer and drier than normal across Ohio. The best ... chances for normal rainfall appear to be across northern Ohio.  Planting will likely be well ahead of ...

  7. Soybean Rust Information

    Ohio Field Crops Diseases Soybean Rust Website Soybean Rust Fact Sheet  (pdf) Skip Row Soybean ...

  8. We want your news!

    ALUMNI NEWS SUBMISSION We also hope you'll give us feedback on News from Ohio State ATI. Have ...

  9. Ohio's Water Resources at Risk- Ag-related Practices and Policies to Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms, post-Toledo

    Ruetter, Director, Ohio Sea Grant. You must register to attend the breakfasts. Registration and payment ...

  10. Extension Office Closed- MLK Jr. Day

