
Search results

  1. Marvin Olinsky: National 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee

    Aware and is an inductee into Ohio 4-H Hall of Fame.  The induction ceremony will be held this fall at ...

  2. Ohio State University Promotes Injury Prevention, Safety for Senior Farmers During Farm Safety Week Sept. 15-21

    As growers prepare for the upcoming harvest season, safety experts from Ohio State University’s ... on the farm.   The average age of a farmer in Ohio is 57, with more elderly farmers staying involved ... lifestyle, said Kent McGuire, Ohio AgrAbility program coordinator for Ohio State University Extension. OSU ...

  3. 2017 Ohio State Fair Results

    Be sure to check out the non-livestock judging results page! 2017 results ...

  4. 2013 Education to Environment Student Symposium

    The School of Environment & Natural Resources at The Ohio State University invites you to join ...

  5. OSU Experts: Adapting Agriculture to Extreme Weather

    growers have to find ways to adapt agriculture to such conditions, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  6. Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons

    Ohio 4-H Night at the Dayton Dragons Flyer ...

  7. Another example of 4-H and its impact on the success of Ohio youth!

    between Ohio 4-H Youth Development and the Five Rivers MetroPark in Dayton, was more than a summer ...

  8. Diversified Organic Farm Tour

    Granny B Farms is a diversified, certified organic farm growing annual vegetables, asparagus, and perennial small fruits. They also have an orchard, pastured sheep, goats, and bees. Their products are available at the Clintonville Farmers’ Market, local r ...

  9. Farm to Fork Orchard and Farm Tour

    Brian and Kelly Helser operate a produce farm and community supported agriculture (CSA) program in Fairfield County. From small beginnings, they started seeds in a converted back porch greenhouse for two acres of crops. Nearly 20 years later, they have ex ...

  10. Amish Produce Auction Tour

    Visit a small produce auction where crops grown by the local Amish community are delivered to the auction by horse and wagon. Get a behind-the-scenes view of how the market is organized prior to the auction. Stay for the auction and purchase traditional a ...
