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  1. Aquaculture Research at Ohio State Represented at International Conference

    Faculty and students from the School of Environment and Natural Resources recently presented their aquaculture research at the Aquacutlure America 2017 conference in San Antonio, TX. The conference is the only major national aquaculture conference held in ...

  2. Backyard Bluebirding Basics & Nest Box Trail Management

    Darlene Sillick and Paula Ziebarth, Ohio Bluebird Society Area Contacts as they discuss how to attract ... practice techniques for trail monitoring and management. Join Darlene Sillick and Paula Ziebarth, Ohio ...

  3. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    Survival and habitat use of non-breeding northern bobwhites on private lands in Ohio   Adam K. ... agricultural landscapes in Ohio, I used radio-telemetry to investigate survival and habitat use during the ... non-breeding season (October- March) on 4 private land study sites in southwestern Ohio during 2009-2011. ...

  4. Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital: Are They Assets or Liabilities?

    national and international community of scholars in environmental policy. The event is open to the Ohio ...

  5. An Assessment of Infant Eastern Cottontail Rehabilitation Success

    the most common species to be brought to the Ohio Wildlife Center for rehabilitation, representing ...

  6. SENR faculty member chronicles teaching journey at conference aimed at enhancing student learning

    types in central Ohio along a gradient from dry to wet soil conditions.” As part of the course ...

  7. Dairy Workshop Series- Stray Voltage


  8. MicroTrop 2014: Combining Soil Microbiology with African Culture, Agriculture and Development Issues

    Zimbabwe. MicroTrop was organized by collaboration between The Ohio State University, Drs. Lydie Lardy and ...

  9. EcoCareer Conference Day 2

    Join the National Wildlife Federation and our partners for this virtual conference which will prepare students and young professionals for wildlife and sustainability careers by providing information on the latest EcoCareer trends from leading analysts an ...

  10. EcoCareer Conference Day 1

    Join the National Wildlife Federation and our partners for this virtual conference which will prepare students and young professionals for wildlife and sustainability careers by providing information on the latest EcoCareer trends from leading analysts an ...
