
Search results

  1. Manure, PSNT and N recommendations

    or terminated legume situations. Ohio has done field test with PSNT and where soil test result exceed ... suggests 174 lbs. N/A for Ohio at present – I subtract 45 and get a suggestion of 129 lbs. N/A. Yes this ... N status between the low N and high N areas of the field. Work done in Ohio, Oklahoma, Missouri and other ...

  2. Estimating Corn Grain Yield

    If you followed the Ohio Ag Net I-71/I-75 crop tour last week, you may be wondering how your ...

  3. Estimating Corn Yields at Early Stages of Kernel Development

    a stage many Ohio corn fields have probably achieved. The yield component method involves use of ...

  4. Pay Attention to Nozzle Selection to Meet Label Requirements for the New 2,4-D and Dicamba Products

    calibrated and operated properly. A new Ohio State University Extension Publication, entitled “Selecting the ...

  5. Wheat Management by Growth Stage

    check fields in order to identify crop growth stage. Currently, most of the wheat in Ohio is between the ... the next 7-10 days as the weather continues to warm up. Feekes Growth Stage 2-5 (tillering, green-up ... under conditions in Ohio fungicide applications at or before jointing do not provide adequate protection ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-19

    with long tapering ears (ex. 14 or 16 rows). Determination of kernels per row (ear length) is usually ... Some Counties in northwest Ohio report fields with as little as 1% of the heads affected where as ... Counties in central Ohio report fields as high as 30% to 40%. Overall the state will likely average about ...

  7. AgrAbility Educational Programs

    To help prevent back injuries for farmers and gardeners, Ohio AgrAbility will be presenting “Oh My ... offered by the AgrAbility Program include: “AgrAbility and Universal Design: How we can help Ohio farmers” ... Table Top display: The Ohio AgrAbility Program   For more information and to schedule a presentation ...

  8. Add Safety to your Program!

    to those outreach efforts like a Farm Safety Day Camp, Ag Awareness, Farmers Breakfast, FFA events, ...

  9. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    Currently wheat fields in Ohio are at Feekes Growth Stage 5. A description of each Feekes Growth Stage is ... Flowering will generally follow within five to seven days after emergence depending on temperature. ...

  10. Cooperators Needed for Pipeline Impacts Study

    The Ohio State University is conducting a study to better understand and manage the impacts of ...
