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  1. Screening conservation cover seed for the presence of Palmer amaranth- be informed before you plant

    The three primary sources of new Palmer amaranth infestations in Ohio so far have been:  1) ... contaminated combines from Palmer-infested areas of the south to Ohio; and 3) presence of Palmer seed in seed ... seed mix.  We currently know of at least two sites here in Ohio where Palmer was introduced this way, ...

  2. Bt Resistance in Western Corn Rootworm—The 3rd Shoe Has Dropped

    in Duracade traits), without any published reports of resistance. Luckily for Ohio growers, all these ... resistance from occurring in Ohio.  If crop rotation is not possible, the next best alternative is to rotate ... not see a need nor a benefit for combining both soil insecticides with Bt in Ohio. Corn Insects Corn ...

  3. Corn Replant Issues

    fields across Ohio. Heavy rains have also resulted in soil crusting which is contributing to reduced ... for the existing stand would be 79% of the optimum. If the corn crop was planted the next day on May ... use adapted hybrids switching to early/mid maturities, if necessary, depending on your location in Ohio. You also need ...

  4. Evaluate Alfalfa Stands For Winter Injury

    observed the last full week of March in the southern half of Ohio.  This evaluation is especially important ... temperatures at the 2-inch depth remained at or above 26F even through the coldest days this winter. An alfalfa ... injury in Ohio. There is the potential during these cycles to physically lift or heave alfalfa plants out ...

  5. Asiatic Garden Beetles in Northwest Ohio

    We have been monitoring Asiatic garden beetle grubs (AGB, Maladera castanea) in Northwest Ohio ... Northwest Ohio since then. While 2014 remains the worst year for their damage to date, there were isolated ... seen like in previous years.  What could be the cause?  Most of Northern Ohio became cool and wet after ...

  6. 2017 Putnam County Agronomy Night

    From Stinkbugs and other Pest this Past Growing Season” by Kelley Tilmon, The Ohio State University. ...

  7. Introduction to Local Foods

    disucss, explore and learn about local foods. Make your delicious plans now for Ohio Local Foods Week in ...

  8. Predicting leaf development in corn using accumulated heat units

    day, GDD) calculation, a grower can estimate what leaf stage of development a particular field is at ...

  9. Soybean End of Season To-Do List

    In Ohio, we face many challenges and some of them were quite apparent in different parts of the ... a handle on if: The variety they purchased had the right resistance package for Ohio’s plethora of ... Ohio conditions is the quantitative resistance portion of the package (seed companies market this as ...

  10. Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785

    Wheat Disease Management in Ohio, Bulletin 785. Effective disease management requires knowledge of ... the important yield-limiting diseases most likely to occur in Ohio. This bulletin addresses the ... wheat in Ohio. Wheat Disease Small Grain Production ...
