
Search results

  1. Nutrition of Jersey Cows- Little Holstein Cows or a Breed Apart?,

    Dr. Chris Reynolds, Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio State University The Jersey breed has ...

  2. Southeast Ohio Pheasants Forever 13th Annual Educational Youth Event

    OSU Ag Safety and Health staff will be teaching ATV safety during the Southeast Ohio Pheasants ...

  3. Should Have Known Better

    shown. She had traveled to shows around Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. Because we interact with them daily, ...

  4. Announcing a New On-line Resource for Farm Safety & Health

    FAQ section that can be accessed 24/7/365. The Ohio State Ag Safety Program is extremely excited to be ... Missouri; Dee Jepsen, The Ohio State University; Carol Jones, Oklahoma State University; Michael Pate, Utah ...

  5. 16th Annual Wooster Spring Spectacular Steer and Heifer Show Hosted by Wrangler Kids 4-H Club

    Check-in: 8:00 am- 10:00 am. Show Starts at 12 noon Heifers will show first, immediately followed by Steers Wayne County 4-H members are encouraged to show!  There is also a county bred/born/raised steer class held after the open show.  For more informati ...

  6. Enchancing Agriculture and the Environment

    of shared success.  Here is an example from OSU Extension in the City local engagement with Ohio ... Ohio like greens, tomatoes, beans, peas and peppers. And as experience and success build, the ...

  7. Animal-drawn Carriages Lighting and Marking

    Wagons. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Click here to download the factsheet. ...

  8. Animal-drawn Buggy and Wagon Lighting and Marking

    Wagons. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Click here to download the factsheet. ...

  9. Twilight Dairy Tour


  10. Orchard Sprayer Technology Field Day

