
Search results

  1. Office Closed- Martin Luther King Day


  2. Office Closed- New Year's Day


  3. Volunteering is Good for the Soul

    between the Butler County Juvenile Justice, the Ohio State Highway Patrol, and the Ohio State University ... Ohio and the world.  Booker T. Washington once said that if you want to lift yourself up, all you have ...

  4. Volume 19, Issue 1


  5. Nutrition of Jersey Cows- Little Holstein Cows or a Breed Apart?,

    Dr. Chris Reynolds, Department of Animal Sciences, Ohio State University The Jersey breed has ...

  6. Are Stink Bugs Bugging Your Soybeans?

    Department of Entomology, Ohio has three stink bug species that are commonly found:  the green stink bug, the ... shoreline and has made its way to Ohio.  As if that was not enough to think about, there is a closely ... the southern states, although it has been found as far north in Ohio as the Cleveland area.  But, the ...

  7. Tips to improve study time for our teens

    bus as early as 6:30 am.  At the end of the day both parents and teens are simply worn out.  After ...

  8. Woolly Bear Caterpillars

    eventually become a moth.  Two very common species in Ohio are the Banded Wooly Bear (Pyrrharctia Isabella) ...

  9. Volume 18, Issue 6


  10. Managing "Pollen Drift" to Minimize Contamination of Non-GMO Corn

    ://, 86% of Ohio’s corn acreage in 2014 was planted to transgenic (GMO) corn.  With GMO corn ... traits may contaminate (by cross-pollination) nearby non-GMO corn.  Ohio growers of identity preserved ...
