
Search results

  1. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    cows, or for profitability changes related to culling cows. Table 1. Prices of dairy nutrients for Ohio ... dairy farms, March 15, 2024. Economic Value of Feeds Results of the SESAME™ analysis for central Ohio on ... Actual, breakeven (predicted) and 75% confidence limits of 26 feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms, ...

  2. Using Dairy Manure with Newly Planted Corn and Soybeans

    Glen Arnold, Extension Field Specialist for Manure Nutrient Management, The Ohio State University ... In recent years, dairy farmers and commercial manure applicators have been moving towards applying ... dairy manure to newly planted corn and soybeans. Applying dairy manure to fields after crops are planted ...

  3. Judging Results

    Dairy Show Master Exhibitor-?? Dairy Beef Feeder Show Friday, August 4, 2023 2023 GCJF Results By ...

  4. Scout Fruit Trees For Pesky Pests Creeping Out As Temperatures Rise

    Becker is the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator with Ohio State University Extension ...

  5. March Is The Time To Prepare Crops- And Get In On Coyote Research

    We have all had those days where we looked up at the clock and couldn’t believe what time it was.  ... a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, and 24 hours in a day.  Our recent string of Spring-like weather has us ... between 30 and 40 pounds of N per 1000 gallons applied.  As many of you will be taking advantage of dairy ...

  6. Dairy Sustainability – The Jargon, the Dairy Story, and the Opportunity (Part I)

    Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ... to do anything about it? Dairy farmers and allied dairy industry partners are stepping up to the ... about the dairy system and its sources of greenhouse gas emission, about the emerging technologies that ...

  7. Why Do Cows Bunch?

    Dr. Dwight Roseler, Adjunct Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University ... The dairy farmer will look over the cow pen and notice the cows are bunched up and huddled into a big ... group of cows a couple hours later all bunched up again.   I know dairy farmers that have a “cow ...

  8. Meet Your Best Friend In Weed Control In Pastures, Hayfields

    necessary to remove the plant residue from the field and composting or other disposal method. H2Ohio program ... sign-up There is still time to sign up for the newly expanded H2Ohio program.  The original program was ... first initiated in northwest Ohio and was recently expanded to cover the entire state.  Sponsored by the ...

  9. For Those Who Need To Scout Weevil, Here's How To Do It

    state. Alfalfa weevil feeding activity is driven by the accumulation of growing degree days (GDD) peaking ... writing this (Jan. 1 – April 28), heat units range from 587 in southwest Ohio to 294 in northeast Ohio ... is the Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator with Ohio State University Extension ...

  10. Jam-packed Schedules Can Impact Mental Health

    rushing from one activity or event to another? Is your schedule so full that a little “hiccup” in the day ... creates a tragic loss of unrecoverable time and the rest of the day falls apart like a line of dominoes? ... Perhaps you could use a little margin in your life. Margin is the space we leave in our day for a little ...
