
Search results

  1. CFAES staff win 4 of 12 Ohio State Distinguished Staff Awards

    assisting individual communities, schools and churches with development of community and school gardens. ...

  2. Thirty-one students compete in CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    undergraduate student researchers from CFAES, including from the School of Environment and Natural Resources, ...

  3. A better tool in the toolbox: New project will bolster Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Elizabeth Dayton, a soil scientist in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources,  garnered a $1 ...

  4. Swamp's reach growing: Improvements will ramp up programs, impact

    director of CFAES's  School of Environment and Natural Resources,  of which the park is a part. ...

  5. 2013 Fechheimer Seminar: Dr. Anthony Parker

    Parker is on the faculty in the School of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences at James Cook University, ...

  6. Poultry Center

    small incubators are available for chick hatches in local schools. The Poultry Center also provides ...

  7. I, Eco-Bot: 4-H holds STEM program

    from "STEM Middle@Baldwin Road," the STEM academy housed in Reynoldsburg City Schools ... ' Baldwin Road Junior High School, took the Eco-Bot Challenge. Then they met with Ohio State engineering ...

  8. Department of Animal Sciences Important to the Development of Ohio Wagyu Beef

    attendee of the Ohio Beef Feedlot School, is feeding cattle for the program using the nutritional programs ...

  9. CD Wire- December 19, 2016

    Impact Area (Extension Ed Tech blog) Ohio Sea Grant eNewsletter (December 2016) Farm to School Brings ...

  10. Ohio State Livestock Judging Team shows strong start

    against 13 other schools around the country to judge 10 different classes of hogs and present four sets of ...
