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  1. Honoring the late Godwin Apaliyah

    school students to make them aware of careers in the manufacturing industry. One never wants to receive ...

  2. Youth-led Presentation on Muslim Americans to be Held on April 4 (rescheduled to April 6)

    religion, and other identity-based topics. Following her introduction, a local high school student, ... mission is to create equitable schools and communities through youth leadership. Register at ...

  3. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Cooking School

    your blood sugar through our cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with ...

  4. Tim Haab

    Tim Haab Interim Director, School of Environment and Natural Resources 614-292-6237 ...

  5. 2023 Community Food Systems + Farm to School and Early Care Conference RFP is Open

    School and Early Care Conference. The theme will be Growing a Culture of Celebration, celebrating food, ...

  6. African American Behavioral Health Conference to be Held on April 6

    approaches to tackling these issues. Nicole King Cotton of the Morehouse School of Medicine will be our ...

  7. CFAES is advancing our understanding of wildlife, wildlife habitat, management, and conservation for generations to come.

    land grant mission of The Ohio State University, the CFAES School of Environment and Natural Resources ... Chestnut Tree in Ohio James Wright, who recently completed his doctoral studies at the School of ... this movement help us better protect their habitat? School of Environment and Natural Resources ...

  8. Team Receives Ohio State Presidential Postdoctoral Scholar Award

    Shoshanah Inwood, associate professor of community, food and economic development in the School of ...

  9. Farm profit and success are goals of new institute

    departments within CFAES; schools and colleges within the university such as the Moritz College of Law and the ...

  10. Join Project DREAMS to help Elevate Youth Leadership and Racial Equity on Feb. 21

    The mission of Project DREAMS is to create equitable schools through positive youth and community ... University, Delaware City Schools, Delaware African American Heritage Council, and other community partners ...
