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Career Services
Some have gone on to veterinary, medical, or other allied health schools and are providing healthcare ...
Ohio 4-H Urban Immersion Project
10th anniversary of the UIP Experience! 4-H teens, ages 15-18, and still in High School are ... Who: Teens ages 15-18 (by the date of the trip – still in High School)- Space is limited. Where: ...
Ninth School Garden Conference
You did it! You made it through the pandemic and continued to enrich lives through school ... gardening as either a teacher or supporter. Now it's time for us to celebrate you at the ninth school ...
Animal Science High School Instructor
Lancaster High School is looking for an Animal Science Instructor for next school year ...
Club Corner
elementary schools because a comfortable mask means the world right now. They are washable and can be worn ...
Back2School Bash
Grab a new friend, locate your favorite food truck, and lounge on the Plumb Hall Quad while enjoying some of your favorite tunes. We will also have extraordinary balloon and caricature artists throughout the event area. ...
Local FFA Chapter Brings Home the Bacon through ARCOP Grant
school. While Mrs. Wallace and the other ag educators at Graham High School and Hi-Point Career Center ...
Vet School Lab Position Opening
Dr. Greg Habing is seeking a part-time, undergraduate, graduate, or DVM student to work on a project focused on transmission of zoonotic and foodborne pathogens in cattle populations. The student will work primarily in a laboratory setting with opportunit ...
CFAES Back2School Bash
All are welcome and encouraged to attend the 12 th annual “Bash” on Thursday, August 31 st from 4:00-7:00 PM on the CFAES campus. There will be FREE food (trucks), interactive games, free stuff, balloon and caricature artists, club tables, music and mo ...
Taking Control of Student Loan Debt Virtual Workshop
of Education website Steps to take before you graduate, leave school, or enroll less ...