
Search results

  1. Ohio State Students Work with the City of Columbus to Implement Sustainability Initiative

    a joint undergraduate degree by AEDE and Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR). ... going to school in a community where sustainability is such a focus allows me to be familiar with hot ...

  2. Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015 Nomination Deadline

    education, to include high school, college, and other training (place, degree, and year), and the candidate’s ...

  3. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program Proposal Funding Approved

    Schools, Ohio Sheep Summit, Ohio Sheep Forage and Farm Tour, and a Fall Education Program.  Producer ...

  4. Videos and Presentations

    by Jeremy Brooks, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources This session ...

  5. OSU Livestock Judging Team Wins Hog College Home Run Drive at National Barrow Show

    swine industry magazine subscriptions.  In the livestock judging contest 16 schools from around the ...

  6. Graduate Student Assistantship at Mississippi State University

    One graduate research assistantship (M.S. or PhD in Animal or Dairy Sciences) will be available for a spring 2019 start with a focus on the relationship between heat abatement and health in pastured dairy cattle. This assistantship includes an annual sala ...

  7. Building a Resume

    and in school. Employers match your résumé against their job openings to evaluate if you’d be a good ...

  8. Undergrad Michelle Beres Wins Award at Ohio State’s Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    who was advised in her research by Kristi Lekies from Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural ...

  9. CFFPI

    John Glenn School of Public Affairs, advisory board chair, Mark Partridge, AEDE professor, and a 14 ... pioneering new farm to school strategies, developing model zoning ordinances, conducting healthy corner ...

  10. The Faces of AEDE: Nicholas Rettig, AEDE Undergraduate Student in Agribusiness and Applied Economics

    of new students to the College. What do you plan to do when you finish school? After finishing my ... studies, I would like to either attend graduate school to obtain an MBA, or pursue a career in management ...
