
Search results

  1. go Green, go Buckeye!

    SENR will be hosting our annual admitted student visit day, go Green, go Buckeye!, on Saturday, April 26th, 2014 at the OSU wetlands facility. During the day, admitted students will participate in discussions and field activities with SENR faculty members ...

  2. 2015 Ohio Cattle Beef School

    Jan 27, 2015 Topics Capitlaizing on the Historic Beef Ecomony- John Grimes, OSU Extension Beef Coordinator The Future of Antibiotic Use in Beef Cattle- Troy a Brick DVM Feb 10, 2015 Topics Sustainable Beef Production- Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, National Cattl ...

  3. SENR Boot Camp

    SENR’s 2014 Boot Camp will be held on Tuesday, January 21 st, 2014 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center.  Through this event SENRAS and the Coalition of Student Organizations will help to get both current students and recent graduates connect ...

  4. Environmental & Sustainability Career Expo

    Agricultural Administration Auditorium ...
