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  1. Junior Fair Board

    term falling within your high school years. •Members will serve one (1) year term. •The Junior Fair ...

  2. Continuing Education for OCVN's

    Ohio) by Andrew Hoffman, Post Doctoral Researcher School of Environment and Natural Resources, OSU  Bird ...

  3. Opportunities for 4-H Teens

    home 4-H club, county, community, or school. The camp is active and engaged—there’s very little sitting ... 11 to 13 and/or students who were 5th to 7th graders during this school year. You will have the ...

  4. Tawonga Zakeyu

    with a great opportunity of graduate school but also, I was inspired by the integration of research and ...

  5. Lesson 2

    the "Respect Song"   4. Identify ways that respect can be shown at school. Lead conversation about ways ... that respect can be shown in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school ... actions or words in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities. ...

  6. Lessons

    Song"   4. Identify ways that respect can be shown at school. Lead conversation about ways that respect ... can be shown in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities ... words in the classroom, at lunch, during recess, on the bus and at other school activities. Flipchart ...

  7. Introduction

    school and life by promoting social, emotional, and behavioral skills as an essential part of early ...

  8. Family Communication

    ‘key concepts' that will help them to be successful in school. We call these our 'Keys to Success." The keys ...

  9. Opportunities for Undergraduates

    ethnic, cultural and academic diversity within Ohio State's Graduate School and Professional College ... (ORIP), is a competitive internship opportunity for graduating high school seniors and current underclassmen ... participate in activities crucial to preparation for graduate school, including workshops on research skills, ...

  10. Better Process Control School is offered in-person and online

    The Food Industries Center is hosting a hybrid Better Process Control School (BPCS) on March 5-8, ...
