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  1. Mark Schleppi recognized for outstanding presentation at Powers Tractor School

    presentation at the Powers Tractor School in Illinois. The Powers Tractor School is a conference for antique ... Schools" was really a nice touch. This is even coming from a University of Illinois man."      ...

  2. ATI Marketing Class Pays Off

    fundraiser programs through schools and other charitable organizations.      "The idea came up in ...

  3. Transferring to Ohio State ATI

    visiting a school near you. Residency Guidelines: Do you live out of state or have you just recently moved ...

  4. National Collegiate Landscape Competition 2022

    and travels around the country to a different host school. Past schools have included CalPoly: Pomona, ... three Ohio high schools have attended as well. This year 43 schools and 525 students from around the ...

  5. Professional Golf Management 1+3 Program

    State ATI is an open-admission campus for Ohio high school graduates, students wishing to enroll in the ... by any one of the following: Confirmation of playing ability form signed by a high school golf coach ...

  6. Records Retention Reminder

    Submitted by Kathy Yoder,   As the school year winds down, here is your official ...

  7. Power Equipment

    Center (NC3) leadership school. While pursing your associate's degree, you will be able to receive ...

  8. Passing of Chuck Dougherty, ATI Retiree

    exec?!?” I had just finished grad school before coming to ATI and had only supervised college students. ...

  9. Making a Difference through Family and Consumer Sciences

    school through grade 12. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue ... nationwide in a variety of practice settings, including secondary schools, universities, government agencies, ...

  10. Transition to Columbus

    Minimum 30 credit hours post-high school, 2.0 GPA, and a Campus Change Request or complete your ...
