
Search results

  1. OARDC Researcher Awarded Honorary Doctorate

    Ghent. One of the awardees is Richard Epstein, a University of Chicago Law School professor famous for ...

  2. Have a Heart to Heart Talk with your Children

    I would return the notes in their school books, room, in their shoes or other creative places.  One time ...

  3. Chadwick Arboretum Celebrates Arbor Day

    school, and I was so influenced by him that I changed my major to horticulture," said Mary Maloney, ...

  4. Researchers Working to Improve Crop Production in India

    a professor with the School of Environment and Natural Resources. AKI is a public-private partnership program ...

  5. OSU Extension to Offer Tax Workshop

    Warren Lee, Ohio Income Tax Schools, at (614) 292-6308 or Candace Pollock Warren Lee ...

  6. Twitter Turns Idea into Fun Project for OSU Extension Educator

    University of Louisville Law School, commented that agriculture is 'applied environmental ...

  7. Chow Line: Detailed food safety information online (for 9/27/09)

    safety tips, including guidelines for back-to-school, summer and holidays. Food poisoning, including ...

  8. Researcher Targets Widespread Respiratory Virus

    researcher at Harvard Medical School several years ago, Li helped identify what could be this particular ...

  9. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    industry jobs are general laborers aged 18-34 with middle school being the highest level of education. ... a rapidly growing industry. "Embracing diversity was driven home to me by my high school drama teacher, ...

  10. 'Just What I Needed': Extension Nurtures Entrepreneurs in University District

    helping parents become more involved in their children's schooling. Though she raised six successful ... children, went back to school and earned her Bachelor's and two Master's degrees, including an ...
