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  1. 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School: 3 The OSU Extension Beef Team has announced the details for the 2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School. The ... dates for the school are Tuesday, January 27 and continue on February 10 and February 24, 2015 and will ... landscape and successful producers need to stay abreast of changes to remain competitive. The school begins ...

  2. Coming Events

    August 31. Thursday, September 10, 2015- 4:30pm Back to School Bash Northwest end of Fred Beekman Park. ...

  3. Ohio State Ranks Near Top on Peace Corps' 2014 Top Schools List

    vector-borne diseases worldwide. The entire top 25 rankings for each school size category can be viewed at ...  Two other Ohio colleges earned recognition in the small-school category. Case Western Reserve ...

  4. Outstanding Seniors in Animal Sciences

    College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences and the School of Environment and Natural ...

  5. Veterinary School Interview Process Workshop

    and the opportunity to network with current vet school students. Click here for the workshop flyer ...

  6. College Aggies Online Scholarship Competition

    local elementary schools, handing out candy wrapped with meat myths and facts, hosting movie nights and ...

  7. NAAB Doak Graduate Fellowship

    The National Association of Animal Breeders Doak Graduate Fellowship is a unqiue opprotunity for individuals planning to pursue a career in the bovine genetic improvement industry to earn a Master of Science degree in bovine genetics or bovine male reprod ...

  8. Multi Scholar Program Promotes Meat Science and Helps Puerto Rico

    major and minor at Ohio State, we’re one of the few schools in the nation who have a meat science major ...

  9. Dinner with Veterinary Students

    Want to be a veterinarian? Applying to veterinary school this summer? Just interested in learning ...

  10. Marvin Olinsky(Retired CEO, Five Rivers MetroParks) inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    5-18. Focus includes after-school programs, activity nights, and day and overnight camps, plus parent ... volunteers. He often states that, if not for 4-H, he would have dropped out of school. Marvin is passionate ...
