
Search results

  1. Dr. Peter Neville hosted by Paws for a Cause

    first companion animal behavior referral clinic in a UK veterinary school (Department of Veterinary ...

  2. Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015 Nomination Deadline

    education, to include high school, college, and other training (place, degree, and year), and the candidate’s ...

  3. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program Proposal Funding Approved

    Schools, Ohio Sheep Summit, Ohio Sheep Forage and Farm Tour, and a Fall Education Program.  Producer ...

  4. Graduate Student Assistantship at Mississippi State University

    One graduate research assistantship (M.S. or PhD in Animal or Dairy Sciences) will be available for a spring 2019 start with a focus on the relationship between heat abatement and health in pastured dairy cattle. This assistantship includes an annual sala ...

  5. OSU Livestock Judging Team Wins Hog College Home Run Drive at National Barrow Show

    swine industry magazine subscriptions.  In the livestock judging contest 16 schools from around the ...

  6. Building a Resume

    and in school. Employers match your résumé against their job openings to evaluate if you’d be a good ...

  7. Economy and Employment

    significantly more locally grown healthy fresh food for their schools and community residents. The OSU Extension ...

  8. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1980-1985

    and is very active in community activities which includes 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, local school board, ... state school board, Seneca County Library Board, and the State Library Board.       1985 Norman Alger* ...

  9. Hull and Weaver Inducted into Dairy Science Hall of Service 2015

    which is used in many veterinary schools. He has trained many veterinary students at Ohio State and ...

  10. Proposal Development Resources

    around the world) The Discovery Tool: Glenn School of Public Affairs  Battelle Center for Science and ...
