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Family Fundamentals: Divorcing parents need to put children's needs first (for Feb. 2007)
the switch before or after another activity, such as a soccer game or other after-school activity, is ...
Chow Line: Trick yourself to stop binging on treats (for 10/21/07)
to demonize sweets. Honest! For instance, a 1998 study from the Harvard School of Public Health ...
Chow Line: Help kids eat less and move more (for 9/12/10)
percent of school-age children eat up to six snacks a day. Portion sizes also are taking their toll. ...
The Changing Face of Computers in Agriculture
farm. Seasonal farmers, those aged 50 or younger, those who have a post high school education and make ...
Rain Gardens Beautify, While Protecting the Environment
installation of rain gardens on school grounds, on business property and in public green spaces. Fager said ...
OSU Extension Holds First Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Conference
conference will take place Feb. 22-23 at Mohican Outdoor School in Butler, Ohio. Registration is $45 to ...
Ohioans Finding Economic Benefits in Protecting Humans and the Environment Through OSU Extension Program
grounds maintenance for schools, weed control in crop fields, highway right-of-way maintenance, mosquito ...
Letter from the Director
other academic unit leaders of the College to focus on the academic missions of the departments, School ...
Iceland President Focuses on Green Energy During Ohio State Visit
with Ohio State's School of Environment and Natural Resources. Lal is looking at ways to ... Byrd Polar Research Center, and the John Glenn School of Public Affairs. Grímsson rounded out his visit ...
Cuyahoga County: Home on the Farm
talk. They're really intergenerational. Some work with schools, which use the gardens as an outdoor ...