
Search results

  1. Four FABE Students named 2019 CFAES Distinguished Seniors

    agriculture or pursue graduate school in precision agriculture.   Joseph Smith  Joseph Smith is a FABE major ...

  2. Environmental Professionals Network movie screening: Green FireFire- Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for our Time

    Tuesday, April 16th at 7pm the Environmental Professionals Network and the School of Environment ...

  3. Alum receives national educator award

    Kenton High School in Kenton, Ohio.  The Teachers Turn the Key scholarship brings together agricultural ... agricultural science in secondary high schools in Ohio and across the country, with extensive training in ...

  4. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    2 School Bash on September 5. ...

  5. The World As Classroom: Number of CFAES Students Studying Abroad Doubles

    CFAES reached a milestone at the end of this school year: doubling the number of students ... to a semester-based system starting with the 2012-2013 academic year. Under quarters, the school year ...

  6. Quality Assurance

    This is scheduled during the day as some Ashland County Schools are on Spring Break.  2015 4-H ... school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors this spring. ...

  7. Quality Assurance

    This is scheduled during the day as some Ashland County schools are on Spring Break. 2015 4-H ... school FFA members can receive their training through their FFA Instructors this spring. ...

  8. Alumni Groups

    Science and Technology Horticulture and Crop Science School of Environment and Natural Resources Plant ...

  9. The National Ecological Observatory Network: Using Ecological Science to Better Understand Our World

    levels,” said EPN’s coordinator,  David Hanselmann, a lecturer in Ohio State’s  School of Environment and ... well-being for generations to come.” EPN is a statewide professional group organized by SENR. The school is ...

  10. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    used to produce color. How trees benefit the environment and how to use GPS technology; with the School ... transformed into gems; with Ohio State's School of Earth Sciences. The engineering of sound – i.e., why ...
