
Search results

  1. The Coming of Age of Hispanic Millennials

    Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) as well as a research assistant professor at the School of Public ...

  2. OSU Animal Welfare Symposium: A Big Success

    Linda Lobao from the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University and Mr. ...

  3. Dairy Farm Labor

    A (Publication 51), Agricultural Employers Tax Guide, Rev. January 2003. State & School District Income Taxes ... ( Farmers are not required to withhold Ohio income taxes or School District income taxes from their ... School District income taxes total more than $500, he/she must file an estimated tax declaration and make ...

  4. The Ohio State University Saddle and Sirloin Judging Contest

    9:00 am. The contest is open to all 4-H and FFA members ages 8-18. For seniors (high school ...

  5. Buckeye Dairy News

    click on Buckeye Dairy News. Articles include: INSIDE THIS ISSUE 2013 Forage Production School, Dr. Bill ...

  6. Austin Ayars Memorial Scholarship Launched

    rugby at a local school. Two of his three children were born while he practiced in Arizona. In March of ...

  7. The Department of Animal Sciences Welcomes New Faculty Members Wenner and Enger

    involved in 4-H and FFA during middle and high school where he raised swine and participated in career ...

  8. Meat Judging Team Hosts the First Day of the SE Collegiate Meat Judging Contest

    Kentucky, was inspired to go to graduate school after being a member of the meat judging team at the ...

  9. The Department of Animal Sciences Welcomes New Faculty Members Wenner and Enger

    involved in 4-H and FFA during middle and high school where he raised swine and participated in career ...

  10. National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning

    Cathy Rakowski, Associate Professor of Rural Sociology in the School of Environmental and Natural ...
