
Search results

  1. Communiqué December 23, 2011

    wonderful programs throughout the state. Programs included the following: Ag Hall of Fame, beef school ... , sheep school, Dining with Diabetes, legislative materials, Farm Bureau insert, healthy retailing, food ... Conference, health summit, county leadership program, working with fair boards, online grazing school, new 4-H ...

  2. Ohio State Convenes iAGRI’s 2nd Climate Change Conference in Tanzania with International Partners

    iAGRI Project Coordinator; and Dr. Rattan Lal, Professor in the School of Environment and Natural ...

  3. Champaign County Hydrangea School

    Join Eric Barrett to discover the world of hydrangeas. Learn about types, care, pruning and bloom times. You’ll receive a quick reference chart to take to the garden center and a hydrangea plant to take home. Flyer here. ...

  4. With visit to India, CFAES looks to expand research and industry linkages with Indian partners

    in the past were also present, including Dr. Sandeep Kapur, Director at School of Business Studies, ...

  5. Fall CSM Competition Team

    CM Team, as their Step 2 Bid Day was submitted just in time before the 3pm deadline. All schools but ...

  6. Timothy Ursich- Agricultural Engineering Student

    will continue to benefit me through this summer, through the coming school year, and even through the ...

  7. CFAES hosts Ethiopian visitors as part of the One Health Initiative

    given a tour through the lab of Dr. Richard Dick, Professor of Soil Microbial Ecology in the School of ...

  8. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    Laura Binkley, a graduate student in the  School of Environment and Natural Resources, took part ... things progress."- Laura Binkley, MS/MPH student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources ...

  9. Pruning School

    Are you nervous to prune those out of control fruit trees or those heirloom trees in the front yard? Look no further! Join Miami County Master Gardener Volunteer and Certified ISA Arborist Dan Poast as he guides you through proper tool selection and use, ...

  10. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    such as agriculture in the development of community and school gardens, 4-H in support of clubs and ... working together with schools to provide in-school and out-of-school programming. Our future is bright, ...
