
Search results

  1. Shop Lancaster Greenhouse & Nursery to support Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers

    (Located across from Lancaster High School).   ...

  2. Haab named director of Ohio State’s School of Environment and Natural Resources

    Sherrie R. Whaley Tim Haab has been named professor and director of the School of Environment and ... honored to serve as the director of the School of Environment and Natural Resources, affirming my ...

  3. Basic Estate Planning: Introduction

    children are still in school, this is probably the best and cheapest product. Family businesses might wish ...

  4. College Savings Options

    K-12 schools. Control: Whoever purchases the 529 plan is the custodian and controls the funds until ... secondary schools. Control: Whoever purchases the 529 plan is the custodian and controls the funds until ... school). Must be used for the education of the account owner, their spouse, children, or grandchildren. ...

  5. Cultivating healthy kids

    The Ohio Farm to School program transforms how students and communities connect with local food ... producers. Growers sell fruits and vegetables directly to schools, creating jobs and strengthening the local ... Ohio schools. Learn how you can get involved: ...

  6. Blacklegged (Deer) Tick, Ixodes scapularis

    Veterinary Preventive Medicine and School of the Environment and Natural Resources, The Ohio State University ...

  7. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Nutrition Education Program

    cooking school and nutrition education program. This program is designed for people with diabetes and ...

  8. 4-H starts up a new career

    school and college students.  This free resource not only helps students keep all their sources and notes ...

  9. Community-Level Strategies for Urban Coyote Management

    Stanley D. Gehrt, Associate Professor of Wildlife Ecology and Extension Wildlife Specialist, School of ... workshops, and school programs. For examples of education programs, see Toolbox 1. No-Feed Ordinances Many ... coyotes use urban green spaces, and how to co-exist with them. School Programs  School programs are often ...

  10. New online database a "FRST" in fertilizer knowledge sharing

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) and a member of the project team who developed the ...
