
Search results

  1. There’s still time to support Ohio 4-H in 2023!

    after-school programming, and camps, the resources your gift provides ensures there is a place for every youth, ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Pathways | Fall Edition

    also get an update on FAFSA and a great opportunity from OSU for high school seniors! Heading:  Ohio ... and high school-aged youth will have the opportunity to track their Ohio 4-H youth development ...

  3. Calendar of events

    scholarships, school programming, and other youth events in Hancock County’s at their annual benefit dinner. ...

  4. 4-H Workforce Skills Contest

    leadership positions such as offices and what you did in that role Non-4-H Activities (school, church, ...

  5. MRW Work Ethic Certification

    high school students in the nation! However, it didn’t start there. Since 2021, The Ohio State ... first in Ohio. COURSE OFFERINGS Virtual Course Open to all Ohio high school youth. Dates: Every Monday ...

  6. About Ohio 4-H

    people in a variety of settings including schools, day camps, overnight camps, afterschool care, clubs, ... higher grades in school and are more likely to go to college than youth who are not in 4-H, or even youth ... who participate in other out-of-school programs. In addition, youth involved in 4-H lead healthier, ...

  7. A new member on the Dayton Region Walk of Fame

    Dayton through nature exploration; after-school educational programs, camps, activity nights; and ...

  8. 2020's

    feel safe and loved by Brenda and seek her out for advice regarding 4-H, school, and life in general. ... Fair. Prior to retirement, he was the FFA advisor at Hardin Northern Schools, where he forged a lasting ... school level until his retirement. For 21 years, David has served as an adult camp staff member for Knox ...

  9. Brown County 4-H Junior Leaders

    different 4-H events throughout the year such as school promotional visits. Junior Leaders also participate ...

  10. Ohio Teens Attend National 4-H Conference

    schools. I enjoyed getting to explore so many interesting topics throughout the week.” The delegates also ...
